[_professional activity] [_community projects] [_free software promotion] [_volunteer work]
_professional activity
Here you can find some of the projects in which I have participated as part of my professional activity at CartoLab and iCarto:
Free Software Coordination Office (OSPO) at AMTEGA (Xunta de Galicia)
Position: Consultant and Coordinator [Project website] -
Mycological traceability system composed of a management web application and a mobile App
Positions: Developer - Technologies: React, Ionic
[FungiGO] -
Mobile App to water meter reading in El Salvador
Positions: Lead Developer - Technologies: Apache Cordova, Javascript
[Source code] -
Virtual office, internal management app and website for a water management company
Positions: Project Manager/Developer/Web craftsman - Technologies: Django, Wordpress, PostgreSQL, Java [Project website] -
gvSIG extension for data water management in Mozambique
Position: Lead Developer - Technologies: gvSIG
[Source code] -
gvSIG Fonsagua
GIS application to manage water and sanitation programs related to Cooperation for Development
Position: Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS
[Project website] [Source code] -
Road network catalog based on PostGIS and gvSIG.
Position: Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, SQLite
[Source code] -
SIGA (AUDASA Management Information System)
Management information system, based on GIS, for a highway
Position: Project Manager/Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Geoserver, Pyramid, Bootstrap.
[Source code] -
gvSIG extension to manage topologic operations related to Mexican cadastre
Position: Project Manager/Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
[Source code] -
EIEL A Coruña (Enquiry on Local Infrastructures and Services)
Management of a Spatial BDD, GIS Application and Web Portal with the geographic information of A Coruña province council
Position: Project Manager - Technologies: GisEIEL, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Deegree
[Project website] -
GIS application to manage data from archaeological excavations
Position: Project Manager/Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS -
GIS application to manage the data in the Survey on Local Infrastructure and Facilities
Position: Project Manager/Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS
[Project website] -
SIX Emisarios
Corporate GIS to consult information about the sewage pipes in Galician
Position: Lead Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, MapServer -
gvSIG Plan de Saneamiento de Galicia
GIS application to manage The Galician Water Sanitation Program
Position: Lead Developer - Technologies: gvSIG, SEXTANTE
_community projects
Here you can find some of the free software projects in which I have involved:
I have been involved in GNOME project since 2007, mainly as developer and maintainer of GTranslator. Nowadays I keep collaborate a bit with the project and I am member of the GNOME Foundation.
gvSIG is a Geographical Information System created by a Public Administration in Spain and released under GPL2 license.
I have worked in gvSIG since 2009 as part of my profesional job, but also I have involved in its community. I have been a core developer of this project and member of the Technical Steering Comittee’s Board.
NavTable & NTForms
NavTable is a gvSIG extension created by CartoLab (Cartography Engineering Laboratory of University of A Coruña). I have involved in this project since its beginning as Lead Developer until 2011. Nowadays I keep collaborate as developer.
NTForms is a library to build navigable and validated java forms for gvSIG. I’m one of the core developers.
SEXTANTE is a spatial data analysis library written in Java and it is included as extension in gvSIG. I have worked a bit on this project, to be more precise in the gvSIG Bindings in order to integrate it on the gvSIG 1.X version.
_free software promotion
Collaborative project to localize into Galician the book: “Produccing Open Source Software” by Karl Fogel. I participated in this project by devising the methodology of translation and also as translator, reviewer and layout designer.
Talks in Master on Free Software and UDC
I have given several talks in the Master on Free Software and in the University of A Coruña (UDC) about business opportunities related to free software.
Talks and workshops about OpenStreetMap
OSM Slides
2019 - Workshop for Bricolabs
2019 - Talk for students of the CEIP Virxe do Carme (Sober)
2017 - Talk for students of the CPI Xosé Pichel
2016 - Talks for students of the CPI Xosé Pichel e IES Xulián Magariños
2014 - Talk and workshop for students of Cooperation for Development in Civil Engineering, a subject of Civil Engineering degree (University of A Coruña)
2013 - Talk for students of the IES Xulián Magariños -
Talks and workshops about Free Software
2015 - Talk about Free Software for geomatics in Igaciencia congress. [Slides]
2014 - Worshop about how to evaluate Free Software projects. [Slides][Video] -
Events organized
International QGIS User Conference
2019 - A Coruña
An “unconference” about FLOSS geographic information technologies. 2017 - Almería 2015 - Sevilla 2014 - A Corunha 2013 - Vigo 2023 - Illa de San Simón
A weekend to enfoy QGIS. Talks, workshops and networking. 2013 - Santiago de Compostela
_volunteer work
Since 2009 I’m part of the NGO Engineering Without Borders, working in the Finance & Administration team. From 2014 to 2016 I have been Treasurer.