
Sextante help in gvSIG 1.12 by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

October 28, 2012 | Reading Time: 1 min


As you probably know, gvSIG 1.12 is already out. This new version includes a great bunch of new features and many changes have been made to improve it. Unfortunaly some times, errors are committed. In this case there is an error about Sextante help. The name of the help directory is wrong, it should be "help" but in the gvSIG 1.12 version is "sextante_help". Besides all help files should be inside another directory called "

Sextante in gvSIG 1.12 by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

April 9, 2012 | Reading Time: 1 min


Last weeks I have been working a bit in Sextante to integrate it in the next estable version of gvSIG (1.12). In addition to many new features, last Sextante version allows to make any action from the Toolbox, not only execute algorithms but also create new models or scripts. For gvSIG users it is possible as well to execute its geoprocess like Sextante algorithms. Changes were needed in both sides so if you want to check it you will need to make checkout of trunk in both projects.

Onion Model by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

October 19, 2011 | Reading Time: 2 min

onion model
software libre

En GHANDALF, la asociación para la difusión del software libre de la que soy cofundador, estamos estos días preparando un nuevo proyecto. Después de la estupenda acogida que tuvo la traducción al Gallego y posterior edición del libro Produccing Open Source Software en formato impreso, hemos decidio darnos esta vez un poco de autobombo y editar un libro que recoja nuestros trabajos de la primera edición de Máster en Software Libre.

Summary of last conferences by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

December 20, 2009 | Reading Time: 2 min


These last months I had the opportunity of taking part in two international conferences about GIS (Geographic Information Systems) as part of my work in CartoLab. In November I was in the II SASIG in Evora (Portugal) and in December in the V Jornadas gvSIG in Valencia (Spain). It has been a great opportunity of meeting a lot of cool people who takes long time working in the GIS communities and I only knew from mailing lists.

Good feelings about gvSIG 2.0 by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

July 4, 2009 | Reading Time: 2 min


After have been these days in Valencia, knowing the novelties about gvSIG 2.0 and have many interesting talks with project crew, I can say that I'm hopeful enough with the future of this project. I'm not sure if these feelings are really based on something or, on the contrary, are the result of my current frame of mind, since I'm a bit disappointment after having seen last week how people, that say to know about how Free Software works, hinder the main principle: the collaboration.

Learning about gvSIG 2.0 by map[display_name:psanxiao email:psanxiao@gmail.com first_name: last_name: login:psanxiao]

July 1, 2009 | Reading Time: 2 min


These days I'm in Valencia, learning about gvSIG 2.0 with project crew. This new version is really a deep revision. There are many changes in the architecture, source code and technologies used by the project. One of this new technologies is Maven, that replaces Ant as method to build gvSIG. I hardly knew Maven and it really surprises me. It's really easy to configure it. Maven is being able to search the dependencies of a project in a local or external repository an it is also really easy to add your new project to these repositories.